We are using a 5x7 canvas to create some cute popsicle art, complete with a real popsicle stick! I'll show you how to paint this from start to finish and we'll add on some glass seed beads and resin too. This is such a fun, easy summer project!
Grab your tracer, tape it to your canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and trace your popsicle onto your canvas with a stylus.
I'm going to paint around my sketched popsicle with some white paint and a tiny bit of Tropical Blue mixed in. I'll also paint the sides of my canvas too. Dry with a heat tool.
I decided to paint my popsicle a mix of red, yellow, and orange. I'm going to start with my yellow at the top, then orange, and then red - blending them together where they meet. Dry with a heat tool.
Let's work on details! Grab your tracer and trace on the little indentations of the popsicle. In the yellow area, I am going to take some orange on the corner of my brush and add it to the indentation to create a shadow. In the...
What screams summer more than watermelon? We are making a little watermelon art piece today. I'll show you how to paint it from start to finish using a fun palette knife technique. Then, we'll add some clear glass and resin to finish it all off! This one is quick, easy, and fun!
Grab your tracer, tape it to your canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and trace it with a stylus onto your canvas.
I'm going to take some black acrylic paint and apply it to my canvas background using a palette knife. My background isn't going to stay black, so this doesn't need to be perfect. We'll be adding another color on top later. Dry with a heat tool.
Next, we will paint our watermelon! I am using a smaller palette knife for this part of my art piece. I am going to start by applying some Primary Red to the right side of my watermelon and pulling it to the middle. Then, I'll add some Pink Melon in the middle, blending it towards the red. Then, we'll add white to the left side of the watermelon,...
We are using an 8x10 canvas to create a fun, rustic patriotic flag art piece! I'll be showing you how to get that rustic look using palette knives when applying our paint colors and also how to add some patriotic phrases. We'll also be adding glass and resin to finish the piece off. This is the perfect art project for the 4th of July holiday or anytime this summer!
First, start by sketching out the shape of a flag - the square in the top left corner and some stripes. I'm going to add a base coat of paint to my canvas using Prussian Blue, Cherry Red, and white paint. I'll also paint the sides of my canvas. This does not need to be perfect and doesn't need the best coverage because we'll be applying some paint on top of this. Dry with a heat tool.
Next, I am going to apply some paint to my white stripes. I am using red, blue, black, gold, and white and I'm applying this paint with a palette knife, and using the back of the palette knife to add the paint from right to left in...
This 8x10 art piece is super easy to create because we are using a stencil! I this hydrangea stencil and knew it would be amazing with some rose gold reflective glass. I'm showing you how to paint and stencil this art project and add all of the glass goodies! This is a great spring or summer art piece and is perfect for beginners too.
First, I am going to paint the background with black paint. I'm going to use a sponge brush to get more coverage faster. Dry with a heat tool.
Next, I am going to add some stenciled flowers in my background. I am using a bright pink called Exotic Bloom and applying it with a stencil brush. Dip your brush in the paint, offload the paint, and then apply it in a circular motion over your stencil very lightly. Dry with a heat tool.
Now, tape your stencil down with your flower in the middle to create your main hydrangea. I am going to layer up on my colors, starting with the Exotic Bloom and concentrating it in the middle. Then, I am going to...
We are using an 8x10 canvas to create a patriotic glass art piece! We'll be painting some red stripes on our canvas with gold stars, then we will add some blue bottle rings that I got on Etsy to spell the letters USA. I used my nippers to cut the bottle rings to make the different letter shapes. This turned out so cute and unique - perfect for the 4th of July holiday!
First, I am going to take a measuring tape and make marks down my canvas at the 1-inch mark. I'm going to start by painting every other stripe with white paint, taking it all the way to the sides of the canvas too. Dry with a heat tool.
Then, I'm going to paint the other stripes with Cherry Red. While the paint is still white, I'm going to take some white paint and go along each stripes line to blend that line a little bit. I'll also add a bit of white in each red stripes, and a bit of white in each red stripes. The messier the better! Dry with a heat tool.
We're going to jazz up our stripes! I have a DecoArt...
We are working with three tiny 4x4 canvases to make a trio of roses! I will show you how to paint these from start to finish, as well as add glass pieces for our rose petals. These would make great gifts or decor in your home for the spring and summer seasons. They are also super easy to create and are great for beginners just getting started.
First, paint the sides and front of each canvas with black acrylic paint. Let dry or dry with a heat tool.
Now, we will start painting our flowers! I am using dark pink, light pink, coral, and white paint. I am doing two pink roses and one coral rose. Start with the hot pink and make a circle - I like to make parenthesis with my brush to create that rose petal shape. Dry with a heat tool.
Do another coat of paint and then add in some light pink and some white paint, using the same parenthesis technique.
Next, paint the leaves for each flower. I am using light green, dark green, and white paint to give the leaves some highlights and...
We are creating a patriotic tie art piece perfect for a Father's Day gift! This is going to be on a 6x12 canvas and I will be showing you how to paint this tie from start to finish. Then, we'll add some seed beads to finish it off and make it all come together perfectly!
Grab your tracer, tape it to the canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and transfer your tie with a stylus onto the canvas.
I'm going to take a flat paintbrush and paint the shirt area of my art piece with white paint. I'll also paint the stars on the top of my tie with white as well. Then, I'll take some Midnight Blue and paint the top of my tie and the top corners of my shirt area. Next, I'll add Cherry Red paint to two of my tie stripes. Add a second coat to these areas as well as some shadowing and highlights.
Add some white paint to your other tie stripes and then add a tiny bit of red to one stripe and a tiny bit of blue to the other white stripe. Dry with a heat tool.
I am showing you how to make a beautiful ocean-themed art piece with jellyfish with lots of fun glass embellishments such as acrylic bubbles, crushed glass, clear vitrigraph, and a small glass globe that I broke some pieces from. This one requires a minimal amount of painting and is great for beginners just getting started in glass art!
I am starting by painting my canvas with white paint. Then, I'll add a little bit of Calypso Blue to the background. Next, I'll take some of the blue and some of the white on the very tips of my bristles and create some squiggle lines. Dry with a heat tool.
Place your clear glass globe pieces onto your canvas to determine where each of your jellyfish will be located. Then, take some Metallic White paint, load your paintbrush, and twist and turn it down your canvas to create some tentacles. I'll also mix in some Metallic Teal and use the same technique.
Do the same thing with your second jellyfish, but have your tentacles going in the...
Let's make this fun, summery Grapefruit Margarita on a 6x12 canvas! I'll be showing you exactly how to paint this margarita from start to finish, as well as showing you how to add all of the glass. I also added a straw to this art piece, which turned out so cute! This one was so fun to make and you only need a little bit of glass to bring it all together.
I am starting by painting my canvas with white paint. Then, I'll add a little bit of Tropical Blue paint and start swirling it into a circle onto my canvas. I'm making it darker on the outer edges and lighter in the middle. Make sure you paint a line along the bottom to make a surface that your drink is resting on. Let dry or dry with a heat gun.
Grab your tracer, tape it to the canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and transfer your margarita with a stylus onto the canvas.
Now, we are going to paint! I am going to start by painting the grapefruit. I am using all of the pinks and...
I am showing you how to make a simple beach-themed art piece with all of the glass goodies and shells! We'll start by painting our ocean background and then we'll add our embellishments and resin. Creating beach art is one of my favorite things to do, and this one is great for beginners just starting out with glass art!
We are splitting our canvas into three different areas - sky, ocean, and sand. We are going to paint the bottom of our canvas with Vintage White and white to make our sand. Then, I'll use Sky Blue for my sky along with some white paint to create some soft clouds. Then, I'll paint my ocean with Prussian Blue, Tropical Blue, and white. I'll use my darker blue towards the horizon and gradually blend in the Tropical Blue and then the white as I get closer to the shoreline. Dry with a heat tool.
Next, I'll paint some birds in my sky with a smaller brush and some white paint. It's as easy as painting some Vs in the sky! Let dry, then grab your graphic pen and add...
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